Monday, November 29, 2010

HGTV Special 30 Holiday Decorating Hits and Misses

 On Friday the 26th, I was watching on of my favorite networks HGTV, and they ran a very fun and informative special on Holiday Decorating. Throughout the episode they mentioned a lot of key terms that we have learned in class and from our readings. Here are a few "Hits" and "Misses" for Holiday Decorating.

1. Hit: Using nature as a source for inspiration and as a source for decoration
One of the easiest suggestions that HGTV made for Holiday Decorating was to look around your yard and look in the grocery store for natural elements that could be incorporated into decorating. A simple idea they suggested was using a hurricane jar and filling it with water and cranberries and a few green foliage plants along with a floating candle to add warmth, color, and depth.

2. Miss: Decorating too trendy
Spending too much money on trendy decorating items is a miss, because trendy items only last for a little bit. And it is then harder to bring them back again year after year, because decorations should be an investment so that you do not have to buy everything new every year.

3. Hit: Using a punch of color that is Red, White, or Green
According to HGTV, people are often scared to venture away from these colors because they are seen as the official holiday season colors. And they are very nice for the holidays, but other bright punches of color can be used as well. Like teal and orange(complementary colors), pinks and violets(cool colors), or just white (monochromatic), all of these varying color combinations can make a festive theme for holiday decorating 

4. Miss: Forgetting little nooks and crannies in home 
This one is an easy one for everyone to overlook because sometimes you feel like you might over due on the holiday decorating, but it adds more interest to a room when special areas such as the fire place are given attention. Being that it is a focal point and should be treated as such.

These were just a few of the Holiday Decorating hits and misses that I used to show how several design terms were used that we have been learning about in class.

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